During the school year 2014/2015 the data for developing Test Battery was collected by psychologists from Association of Estonian School Psychologists and Innove AS. Every child was assessed twice. In the middle of the school year cognitive functions and motivation were assessed and at the end of the school year academic reults were assessed. As an ideal we hoped to collect data from 1000 of students from each grade level, 750 minimum. At the moment we know that we managed to collect data from at least 900 students. Lot of work was done by teachers who assessed students` classroom behaviour. 1st grades were interviewed and completed a paper-pencil test in the classroom, older students completed their tests electronically on the computers.
Currently most of the work is being carried out in Tallinn University – organising data files, also performing prelimary analyses. Already in spring we started with developing the manual which will continue in autumn. In addition preparation for trainings is going on which is targeted to school psychologists and othe specialists in INNOVE AS Pathfinder centres.